PN – Lightweight Alloy Hand Pumps

Lightweight Alloy Hand Pumps


Reservoir Capacity: 0.7-8.0 L

Oil Delivery For Stroke in HP: 0.8-2.7 cm3
Max Working Pressure: 700 – 1,000 – 1,600 – 2,800 – 4,000 bar


The main quality of PN is the lightness (their weight is over 50%  less compared to traditional products). They are made from light alloy metal which is normally used in the aviation field due to its mechanical resistance. Because of this, PN pumps are extremely handy and stand out due to a very low effort on their handle. The practical pedal locking hook allows to use the lever as a handle during transport by holding it in the correct position in order to balance the pump correctly even if equipped with ancillaries. The pumps with 1 and 2 liter oil tank have a brand new design and a bigger internal usable oil volume. This allows both to use the total internal capacity without opening the oil briefer cap or to fill the tank completely in order to use, with the cap in briefing position, a much bigger quantity of oil.

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Operational Areas

  • PN13# Series Single-stage pumps with 1.2–2.2-litre reservoirs for single-acting cylinders with short strokes and small/medium oil capacities.
  • PN14# Series Double-stage pumps with 1.2-2.2-litre reservoirs with a pressure relief valve on the first stage are recommended for single-acting cylinders with medium strokes and medium oil capacities.
  • PN16# Series Double-stage pumps with 2.2–4.3–7.8-litre reservoirs with an unloading valve to facilitate the pumping on the second stage are recommended for single-acting cylinders with long strokes and large oil capacities.
  • PN26# Series Double-stage pumps with 2.2–4.3–7.8-litre reservoirs with an unloading valve to facilitate the pumping on the second stage; with a 4-way valve for double-acting cylinders with long strokes and large oil capacities.
  • PN46# Series Pumps like the PN26# Series but equipped with an additional pilot check valve in order to maintain the load while moving the lever and to control the lowering of the cylinder under load.
  • PN13110-PN16#10 Series Used in extracting operations, in lab tests, and to operate hydraulic bolt tensioners models UTN and UTH.
  • PN13116–PPN16#16 Series Used in all bearing extractions and to operate hydraulic bolt UTV tensioners.
  • PN13128–PPN16#28–PPN13240 Series They are most useful and effective in cases of laddering of bearings, tightenings, pretensioning of studs, burst tests, and calibrations.

All 700 bar models have:

  • Externally adjustable relief valve;
  • Side port 1/4” NPT for the direct fitting of the G106L gauge (PN26# range excluded);
  • 1/4” NPT port to insert directly the G106 gauge only on the PN46# pump
  • Fixing port;
  • Tank from 1.2–2.2–4.3 e 7.8 lt.

All 1000 / 1600 / 2800 / 4000 bar models have:

  • Double stage (except PN13110/16/28 and PN13110 models);
  • Externally adjustable low and high pressure relief valves;
  • Second port (also usable as gauge port) only on PN13110/16/28, PN16#28, and PN13240 models;
  • Fixing port;
  • Tank from 1.2–2.2–4.3 e 7.8 lt.

All PN pumps can work vertically with the pumping head pointing downwards.
For a proper fit, they can be fastened by using the ZPN#MOD kit.
The usable oil volume is 100% of the reservoir capacity with 1 and 2 litre tanks, thanks to the filler cap positioned at the end of the tank.

Double-acting pumps

The PN26# pump series is equipped with a 4-way manual valve in order to use oil return or double-acting cylinders for traction, pushing, and lifting operations.

While moving the lever to a different position, for instance, the load is not held, the return is controlled by the by-pass valve, and in order to have a total return of the cylinder, place the valve in the return position.

Double acting with a piloted check valve:
Differently from the PN26# pump series, the PN46# series allows a perfectly controlled lowering under load by acting on the pump with the valve in discharge position thanks to the presence of a piloted check valve that intercepts port A. The PN46# pumps are equipped with a port for the mounting of 1/4” NPT manometer model G106.

In order to fix the 1 and 2 litre pumps correctly, use the port at the bottom, paying attention not to tighten the screws too much to avoid possible deformations or oil losses. We recommend to use the ZPNB kit.

If requested, we are able to supply versions to be  used with fluids that are different from mineral oil.


Selection Chart

Pressure 1st stage Pressure 2nd stage Oil delivery for stroke 1st stage Oil delivery for stroke 2nd stage Handle effort For use with Reservoir capacity Usable oil volume MODEL DIMENSION MM WEIGHT
bar bar cm³ cm³ N   Litres Litres A B D G H F J L L1 P V X Y kg
- 700 - 2.7 363 Single acting 1.2 1 PN131 572 115 90 83 460 11 154 3/8” NPT 1/2”BSP 544 32 18 42 4.8
2.2 2 PN132 572 128 105 83 460 11 169 544 47 18 57 6.2
30 13.7 2.2 380 1.2 1 PN141 572 115 90 83 460 11 154 544 32 18 42 4.8
2.2 2 PN142 572 128 105 83 460 11 169 544 47 18 57 6.2
70 28.5 2.7 363 2.2 2 PN162 572 128 105 83 460 11 173 3/8” NPT 1/4” NPT 544 32 18 55 6.6
4.3 3.8 PN164 572 190 176 90 471 9 173 544 32 18 55 9.8
7.8 7.2 PN168 652 270 256 90 551 9 173 3/8” NPT - 544 32 18 55 14.5
Double acting 2.2 2 PN262 572 128 105 83 460 11 173 544 52 124 22 7.4
4.3 3.8 PN264 572 190 176 90 471 9 173 544 52 124 22 10.6
7.8 7.2 PN268 652 270 256 90 551 9 173 3/8” NPT 1/4” NPT  544 52 124 22 15.3
Piloted check 2.2 2 PN462 572 128 105 83 460 11 173 544 52 148 22 7.7
4.3 3.8 PN464 572 190 176 90 471 9 173 544 52 148 22 10.9
7.8 7.2 PN468 652 270 256 90 551 9 173 544 52 148 22 15.6
- 1000 - 1.4 274 Single acting 1.2 1 PN13110 572 115 90 83 460 11 154 1/2”BSP 544 31 * 3
20 28.5 385 2.2 2 PN16210 572 128 105 83 460 11 173 1/4” BSP 120° - 544 30 6.6
4.3 3.8 PN16410 572 190 176 90 471 9 173 544 30 9.8
7.8 7.2 PN16810 652 270 256 90 551 9 173 544 30 14.5
- 1600 - 1.4 437 1.2 1 PN13116 572 115 90 83 460 11 154 1/2”BSP 544 31 * 3
15 28.5 522 2.2 2 PN16216 572 128 105 83 460 11 173 1/4” BSP 120° - 544 30 6.6
4.3 3.8 PN16416 572 190 176 90 471 9 173 544 30 9.8
7.8 7.2 PN16816 652 270 256 90 551 9 173 544 30 14.5
- 2800 - 0.8 432 1.2 1 PN13128 572 115 90 83 460 11 154 3/4” – 16 UNF 3/8”BSP 544 35 * 3
10 28.5 515 2.2 2 PN16228 572 128 105 83 460 11 173 3/4” – 16 UNF 544 42 28 42 6.8
4.3 3.8 PN16428 572 190 176 90 471 9 173 544 42 28 42 10
7.8 7.2 PN16828 652 270 256 90 551 9 173 544 32 18 42 4.8
- 4000 - 0.55 530 2.2 2 PN13240 567 128 105 83 460 11 173 M16 x 1.5 544 47 18 57 6.2

Accessories ZPS – ZPF Gauge Adaptors – 700 Bar

MODEL for pumps a b c d e kg
ZPS12 (Screw Connection) SERIES PN13# PN14# PN16# 50 30 48 3/8’’ NPT 1/2’’ BSP 0.25
ZPF12 (Flange Connection) SERIES PN16# 45 45 60 3/8’’ NPT 1/2’’ BSP 0.9
ZPF121 (Plate Attachment) SERIES PN26# 83 30 70 1/2’’ BSP 0.37

Accessories ZPS – ZPF Gauges Adaptors – ZPD Valves 1000/1600/2800 Bar

MODEL For pumps For gauge Press. max bar a b c d e kg
ZPS53(adattatore manometro a vite) SERIE PN16#10 PN16#16  G10  1000 50 30 48 3/8’’ NPT 1/2’’ BSP 0.9
ZPF14(adattatore manometro flangiato) SERIE PN16#10 PN16#16 G10 G16 1600 45 45 60 1/4’’ BSP 120° 1/2’’ BSP 0.9
ZPF73(adattatore manometro flangiato) SERIE PN16#28 G30 / G40 + RN28 2800 40 45 85 3/4’’ –16UNF 1/2’’ BSPgirevole 1
ZPD16(valvola a doppio spillo flangiata) SERIE PN16#10 PN16#16 G10 G16 1600 40 155 112 1/4’’ BSP 120° 1/2’’ BSPgirevole 1
ZPD28(valvola a doppio spillo flangiata) SERIE PN16#28 G30 / G40 + RN28 2800